How do I report a lost / missing animal?
We understand the stress and anxiety involved when a beloved pet is missing from home. We strive to offer as many resources as possible to assist in locating your missing family member.
We suggest filing a lost animal report with area humane societies. You should also contact the Sheriff’s department and/or your local law enforcement officers to file a missing animal report. In addition, social media can be instrumental in quickly spreading the word along with a photo to help bring your beloved pet home more quickly.
Area Humane Societies:
Trempealeau County Humane Society
N27109 US Highway 53
Buffalo County Humane Association
Cats – 715-318-0752
Dogs – 715-579-7017
104-128 US Hwy 10
Jackson County Humane Society
403 Pine View Rd
Coulee Region Humane Society
911 Critter Court
Eau Claire County Humane Association
3900 Old Town Hall Rd

Our Shelter Fees:
- Stray Reclaim: $100 First Offense, $200 Second Offense, $300 Third Offense
(after 4 days animal becomes available for adoption)
- Rabies Quarantine Hold: $300 dogs and $200 Cat (10 day hold includes 3 exams and a completed rabies vaccination)
How do I report a stray/found dog or cat?
Please provide your name, phone number, breed if known, and as detailed of a description as possible to provide the best chance of reuniting the animals with their family.
TCHS contracts with local municipalities for collecting stray dogs. The Trempealeau County website lists the contact information for each municipality. In most cases, you will contact your local municipality office or chairperson and alert them to the stray dog. Alternately you can contact the Sheriff’s Department at 715-538-4351 to report the stray dog.
Please call TCHS at 608-525-2300 to report a stray cat. We have an intake system for accepting stray cats and while we strive to accept as many stray cats as possible we don’t always have the room to accommodate every stray cat at our shelter so you may be placed on a waiting list. We currently don't accept feral cats.