About Us
Our Vision
Transforming animal and human relations
Our Mission
Provide safe shelter for stray/abandoned/abused cats and dogs
Promote the placement of animals through adoption and foster care
Require that all animals placed through us be spayed/neutered
Reunite lost animals with their families
Educate the public on issues affecting the well-being of animals
Our Story
We opened our doors to the public on November 25, 2005 with one cat available for adoption. The land, materials, and construction of our building were donated by individuals and businesses in the community who were dedicated to ensuring the welfare of the animals we serve. The decision was made that we would be a no-kill shelter and we remain that way to this day.
We have two paid staff members and a strong group of volunteers that provide care and support for our cats and dogs as they wait for their families. We partner with local law enforcement, other animal welfare organizations, as well as community members to ensure we are helping as many cats and dogs as possible. We’ve even be able to help a few rabbits, a couple of guinea pigs, and a lamb find their way home through the community connections that we have fostered over the years!
Presently, we are updating some areas of our current facility and looking into the option of a different facility to meet the increasing needs of the animals of our community. In addition, we’re very excited to be offering a neuter clinic for cats in our community in the very near future. Check out our Facebook page for more details.